Get this: Just 30 minutes of stand-up paddleboarding, or SUP, is equal to running six miles.

Considering that it’d take the average person 42 minutes to an hour to run six miles, that’s amazing. It’s like you get more for less, and all with the added benefit of countless fun.

Plus, SUP works all your muscles, including your shoulders, rotator cuffs, traps, lats, chest, legs, and core.

But you can’t just jump on a paddleboard and wing it. To get the most out of your SUP workout, you gotta learn how to do it right.

If you want to learn how to SUP right, keep reading.

Stand Correctly While Paddleboarding

Avoid standing upright. Instead, bend your knees as if you were about to squat or deadlift. Doing this allows your legs to function as shock absorbers.

Also, keep your legs shoulder-width apart. And always stare forward at the horizon, not downward at your feet.

Shorten Your Strokes

People new to SUP tend to use only their upper body for each stroke. That’s bad, especially for those using SUP as an exercise technique.

The ideal stroke technique involves first lowering your body like you’re deadlifting or squatting. Then, while keeping your arms straight, channel your core (and your legs as shock absorbers) to deliver short but powerful strokes.

Paddle Faster, Not Slower

Let your inner Speedy Gonzales loose when SUP’ing. Paddling faster means burning more calories (up to 500+ an hour) and strengthening your cardiovascular endurance.

And don’t worry. Unlike running, paddleboarding doesn’t place a lot of stress on your joints.

Stop Paddling

This might sound counterintuitive, but SUP’ing doesn’t actually require you to move.

Try remaining in place and performing one of these moves instead:

Paddle Twists

This exercise from Sports Illustrated involves sitting upright with your legs stretched in front of you. Grab each end of the paddle with one hand and then hold it in front of your shoulders.

Then, twist your body to bring the paddle as far to the right as possible without tipping the board. Repeat toward the left. Rinse and repeat.

Paddle Squats

Merely squat while holding your paddle in front of you. But when you get to the top, rise up on your toes to push the paddle even higher. Repeat until your entire body is begging for a break.

Paddleboard Tricep Dips

Even the best SUP’ers sometimes fall off their board. Instead of hopping back on, think about using this opportunity to work your triceps.

Start by placing your hands shoulder-width apart on the board. Then, push down to lift your body out of the water, but don’t climb back on the board. Instead, lower your body and repeat.

Start Your New Exercise Program Today

If you’re visiting Naples, Florida, and are looking to try paddleboarding, give us a ring at Naples Beach Adventures. We operate out of Delnor Wiggins State Park and can rent you the equipment you need to get started.

Contact us today or check out our blog to get more tips on how to transform other ordinary water-based activities into exercises!

Naples Beach Adventures
11135 GulfShore Drive
Naples, FL 34108
Parking Lot #4
(239) 596-9842